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Hotel Sala Samui U0026 Spa

Parking is provided in a nearby lot, so customers can easily walk to and from their cars. So if you're looking for a luxury spa that has it all, look no further than Sawa Spa.

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Vehicles can be picked up on sale day. For the pickup status of a purchased vehicle, please call 877. 272. 6665. Transport drivers and towers are required to wear a highly visible safety vest anytime on IAA property. Days to Pick up Domestic and Foreign Buyer Number of free storage days: Day vehicle was awarded + 2 day(s) Storage Fee: $40. 00 Auction Branch Notes: Every Thursday at 9:30 a. m. PT Upcoming Main Auctions: Item Sequence Description 1 - 9999 All types of vehicles numbered sequentially. You will continue receiving upcoming vehicle alerts.

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"Pick a partner. Discuss your need for fortitude. " A friendly woman and I meandered down a narrow trail and did as instructed. Then it was time to split up and spend time near a tree of our choosing. I found a wide redwood and pressed my hand into spongy bark. We'd been given a handful of corn kernels to ritually cast off when the moment felt right. It can be hard, knowing when to cast off one's corn kernels, but I went for it, and we reconvened for more sharing. Calm, peace, gratitude. So went the bath, a mix of established forest bathing techniques and Plevin's personal interpretation. At one point, I bathed alongside a slender Monterey cypress, watching moody whitecaps form on the bay to my north. At another I searched for my wak'a, a totem of sorts that Plevin said would speak to us from the forest. ("Is that … Japanese? " I asked. "I think it's from the Amazon, " she replied. ) Time for more reflection. We were asked: what does nature give to us and what do we give to nature? Later, we all brought different objects – a leaf, a stick, a branch – to a clearing and, with much ceremony, placed them on a pile: an alter to our own appetite for solemn, culturally nebulous ritual.
